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Key and Plug Assemblies  An overview..   PDF Version 1.03 (large 19 Mb file). High resolution.

Key and Plug Assemblies  An overview..   PDF Version 1.03m (6 Mb file). Moderate resolution.

Key and Plug Assemblies  An overview..

The Key and Plug Assemblies overview is an accurate and reliable document for help with identifying British and Commonwealth Key and Plug Assemblies, and their applications. The 54 pages A4 format PDF document was expressively set up with 300dpi illustrations to give excellent PC and printing quality, showing much detail in the photographs. This resulted, however, in a rather large file of about 19 Mb.

For those who like to read the document on a tablet or rather prefer a smaller file, a version was produced with a file of about 6 Mb, but at cost of serious quality loss in the illustrations.

Download Download

No colour printer available or considering that the printing costs of 54 colour pages is excessively high? Or looking for an original and nice present for a Morse key enthusiast?

In preparation is a modestly priced, professionally full colour printed and bound copy of this overview in A5 format matching the WftW Compendium series. The booklet may eventually be launched as Compendium 7.

Printing the overview in A4 format is very expensive and not considered as an option.

Printing status update: The printed version, now known as Compendium 7, has been released on 18 July 2014.

Follow the link to take a visit to the ‘print on demand’ bookstore : http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/wftw

Printed version.

About this publication.

Key and Plug Assemblies were essential parts of most British (and Commonwealth) Army wireless sets and stations. This overview shows the currently known types and versions of these Morse key assemblies, spanning the period from the late 1930s until the 1950s when the Larkspur range of equipment started coming into service. This publication is a follow-up of Lamps Operator  An overview..’. It was compiled in close collaboration with Chris Bisaillion VE3CBK. Many of the keys in this overview are from Chris’ collection.

Wireless for the warrior
URL HOMEPAGE www.wftw.nl