(Louis Meulstee’s web site)

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About the WftW Volumes series.

To Volume 1

WftW Volumes 1 to 4 can be obtained direct from Practical Electronics.

Amendment pages for WftW Volume 1 and 2 are posted on the downloads page.

Volume 1 (Wireless Sets No. 1 to 88) and Volume 2 (Standard Sets for World War II) cover transmitters and transceivers used the period 1932-1948.  This era was not taken arbitrarily, but represents two milestones in the technical progress of British Military radio communication:

The first milestone was in 1929 when positive steps were taken to formulate and develop a new series of wireless sets of which the first became available around 1932. This series was a great improvement to the then obsolete World War I pattern equipment.

The second milestone was reached at the end of World War II with the introduction of VHF FM and hermetically sealed equipment of the Larkspur era on which initial development began during the war.

The period also represent the use of the numerical classification system which was abandoned after World War II.

Volume 3 (Reception Sets) cover Army receivers, spanning the era 1932 to the late 1960s. The book does not only describe receivers specifically designed or adapted for the British Army, but also receivers adopted from the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force. In addition are covered special receivers, direction finding receivers, Canadian and Australian Army receivers, commercial receivers adopted by the Army, and Army Welfare broadcast receivers.

Volume 4 (Clandestine Radio) include Clandestine, Agents or 'Spy' radio equipment, sets which were used by Special Forces, Partisans, Resistance, 'Stay Behind' organisations, Australian Coast Watchers and Diplomatic Service, in addition to selected associated power sources, RDF and intercept receivers, bugs and radio- and radar beacons. The information has been compiled through the collaboration of a vast number of people around the world.

Wireless for the warrior
URL HOMEPAGE www.wftw.nl