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WftW Volume 2

WftW Volume 2 can be obtained direct from Practical Electronics. A printable amendments sheet for WftW Volume 2 is posted on the Downloads page. An interesting addition to Appendix 3 (Lamps Operator) is available in the Documents Downloads section entitled ‘Lamps Operator..an overview’.

First published March 1998 by GC Arnold Partners, Broadstone, Dorset, U.K.  ISBN 1898805 10 5

Other sets mentioned include: Burndept BE201, CN348, RCA ET-4332b, DF station PE No.1. Larkspur range: Station Radio B47, C42, C45 and C11/R210. Air Ministry: TR1143, TR1987. US Signal Corps: SCR-300, BC-610, AN/TRC-5 and AN/TRC-6.

In the Appendixes the following items are covered: Glossary of Terms; Condensed Data of Equipment; Accessories; Army Valves Designations and Equivalents; Table of Frequency Coverage of Army Wireless Sets; References and Bibliography; Commercial Equipment; Miscellaneous Military  Equipment; Generating Sets and Secondary Batteries; Collecting and Safety; Vehicle Installations; Mains Power Supply Unit.

Preview pages

The table of contents and a number of selected pages from Volume 2 can be downloaded as pdf's from the Downloads page.

To Volume 3 WftW Volume 2 cover large.

Volume 2 ('Standard Sets for World War 2') of Wireless for the Warrior is published in A4 hardback, containing 722 pages, and featuring 200 photographs, approximately 750 line drawings/circuit diagrams and 180 data tables. Comprehensive information on vehicle installations is included where appropriate, giving the book considerable appeal to military vehicle enthusiasts, as well as awakening memories of those who maintained or used these sets 'in anger'.

It provides detailed information on the following standard World War 2 sets and other sets of which sufficient information was unavailable when Volume 1 was published:- Wireless Sets Nos. 10, 18, 19, 22, 31, 31AFV, 38, 38AFV, 42, 46, 48, 53, 62, 68, 88 and 88AFv: Wireless Sets Canadian Nos. 19, 29 and 52; Australian Nos. 19, 22, 108, 122, 133 and 153.

Wireless for the warrior
URL HOMEPAGE www.wftw.nl